I feel like writing today, I would like to share some insights about Facebook management.Because I saw facebook post that is really not good for branding or even for future reference.
Did you know that you can control who can see your post in Facebook? You may choose Only Me, Friends, Friends of Friends and Public. Below are my suggestion on how to use this options as follows:Only Me : There are some good information in the Web that you want to be bookmarked, Only me is a type of bookmarking tool of facebook so that it can only be seen by you. But I think if you want it to be private why would you like to post it online? Do you want to make facebook as your diary? Better make a blog, it will potentially add up yor cash flow later on.
Only Me: Sometimes, there is good information in the Web that you want to be bookmarked, Only me is a type of bookmarking tool of facebook so that it can only be seen by you. But I think if you want it to be private why would you like to post it online? Do you want to make facebook as your diary? Better make a blog, it will potentially add up yor cash flow later on.
For Friends: You can share information that You would like to share with you friends but not with strangers. I prefer to share my selfie, family pictures and day to day status to my friends. Remember that your friends can see all the status you are posting in the facebook whether your status is set to Friends of Friends or Public.
For Friends of Friends, I prefer to share some link which will need your friends endorsement. Like fore example if you are selling something, your friends might share it to their friends. If it is only set up to be Friends, their friends cannot see it. Sometimes when people see something being sold in facebook in he knows that you have mutual friends an endorsement from that friend will help a lot.
For Public – I prefer to post status that will make my social media branding. So what is branding? Branding is something you want other people to know you. As an example if you are branding your self as a Investor / Teacher, your post regarding investment shoud be shared publicly. If you want to be branded as a Professional Bloggers, your post about Blogging and tips about blogging should be shared publicly. Those are post that any facebook user can check when searching for your name.
Always remember that whatever you post in your social media account might back fire to you in the future. I know some HR personnel that they are now using Social media to background check their applicants. You must think before you click. Don’t put your rants in social media. Always remember that in the digital world, it is always possible that your post can be seen by millions of people and not only individuals whom you want to say your rants.
So be very careful. Think before You click.